White is the Night

by Debra Banks
White is the Night
Debra Banks
Photograph - Photography
Taken at night with a flash, helps to really capture the wonderful details and to make these flowers stand out in the image against the black background.
Jerusalem Artichoke often called “sunchokes” are native to North America and Europe and are no relation at all to artichokes AND belong to the sunflower family. The white flesh is nutty, sweet and crunchy like chestnuts when raw.
Italian settlers in the United States called the plant girasole, the Italian word for sunflower, because of its familial relationship to the garden sunflower (both plants are members of the genus Helianthus).
The name topinambur, in one account, dates from 1615, when a member of the Brazilian coastal tribe called the Tupinambá visited the Vatican at the same time that a sample of the tuber from Canada was on display there, presented as a critical food source that helped French Canadian settlers survive the winter. The New World connection resulted in the name topinambur being applied to the tuber, the word now used in French, German, Italian, Romanian, Russian, and Spanish.
August 21st, 2021
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