Monk Seal coming Ashore

by Debra Banks
Monk Seal coming Ashore
Debra Banks
Photograph - Photography
I was fortunate to watch this wonderful Hawaiian Monk Seal as she come ashore with the waves seemingly helping to get her there safely on the beach to rest.
This shot was taken with a zoom lens, I was very careful and stayed far away from her.
The official state mammal of Hawaii, the scientific name for the Hawaiian monk seal is Neomonachus schauinslandi. The Hawaiian name is “Ilio holo I ka uaua”, which translates to “dog that runs in rough water”.
In 2016, it was estimated there are 1,400 Hawaiian seals in existence.
Hawaiian monk seals are critically endangered, and one of only two remaining kinds of monk seals on Earth, along with the Mediterranean monk seal, whose population has fallen to just 600 individuals. There was once a Caribbean monk seal, but it is believed to be extinct since the 1950's.
The average lifespan of a Hawaiian monk seal is 25 to 30 years. Adult males grow to about 7 feet long and weigh between 300 and 400 pounds. Meanwhile, females can grow to 8 feet long and can weigh between 400 to 600 pounds. Hawaiian monk seals do not have external ears and they cannot rotate their hind flippers underneath their bodies.
February 2nd, 2023
Comments (41)

Allison Constantino
Such a great capture, Debra! Thank you for sharing their endanger species status! Congratulations! Your amazing image has been featured on the "Environmental Art - Specifically Ocean Conservation" home page!

Dr Debra Stewart's Gallery
Gorgeous photographic artistry and detail of the movement of the water as the seal emerges!!! -Tweet!