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Moana Nalu  Collection #2 Photograph by Debra Banks

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Comments (79)

Debra Banks

Debra Banks

Thank you so much Adriana

Adriana Mueller

Adriana Mueller

Very dramatic and beautiful coastal scene! Great photo! l/f

Debra Banks

Debra Banks

Thank you for the feature in Women Photographers

Debra Banks

Debra Banks

Thank you for the feature in Camera Art Group

Luther Fine Art

Luther Fine Art

Congratulations! Your fantastic photographic art has been chosen as a Camera Art Group feature! You are invited to archive your work in the feature archive discussion. There are many other discussions in the group where you can promote your art even further more.

Debra Banks

Debra Banks

Thank you for the feature in Emotive Art

Debra Banks

Debra Banks

Thank you so much for the feature in INSIDE OUT art photography

Debra Banks

Debra Banks

Thank. you for the feature in Daily Promotion

Debra Banks

Debra Banks

Thank you for the feature in Art and Photography Submissions

Geoff Farmer

Geoff Farmer

Outstanding image!

Debra Banks replied:

thank you so much Geoff

Debra Banks

Debra Banks

Thank you for the feature in 1000- 1999 Views

Debra Banks

Debra Banks

Thank you for the feature in Hodge Podge

Debra Banks

Debra Banks

Thank you for the feature in If the Image Excites You

Debra Banks

Debra Banks

Thank you for the feature in USA Photographers ONLY

Debra Banks

Debra Banks

Thank you so much for the feature in Home Nature

Debra Banks

Debra Banks

Thank you so much for the feature in Your Very Best Photography

Debra Banks

Debra Banks

Thank you so much for the feature in A Womans Touch

Susan Harris

Susan Harris


Debra Banks replied:

Thank you so much Susan

Constance Lowery

Constance Lowery

gorgeous photo. L

Debra Banks replied:

Thank you so much Constance

Kristy Mack

Kristy Mack

Great composition and lighting! L/F Following

Debra Banks replied:

Thank you so much Kristy

Angelo DeVal

Angelo DeVal

CONGRATULATIONS! Your amazing artwork was featured in the "Home Nature" Gallery.

Debra Banks

Debra Banks

Thank you for the feature in Water Forms

Aziza Del Rosario

Aziza Del Rosario

Superb ArtPhotograph Debra !

Debra Banks replied:

Thank you so much Aziza

Kent Keller

Kent Keller

Incredible image Debra!!

Debra Banks replied:

Thank you so much Kent

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Moana Nalu  Collection #2 by Debra Banks
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