How Green was My Valley

by Debra Banks
How Green was My Valley
Debra Banks
Photograph - Photography
A solitary tree, green pastures, after heavy rainfall a thick mist obscures the blue sky.
This wistful scene reminds me of How Green Was My Valley:
How green was my valley,
How blue were my skies,
I worshipped the love light
That shone in your eyes.
Our heavenly love dream
Has faded and gone;
No more does the sunrise
Appear with the dawn.
I still hear your laughter,
I whisper your name;
This world, dear, without you
Will never be the same.
How green was my valley,
How dear were your charms;
Come back to me darling,
Come back to my arms!
Kohala Mountain Road is one of my favorite drives when on The Big Island, Hawaii. The lush green pastures, the rain, the mist, the trees, the silence and in the distance the ocean. A green paradise.
July 28th, 2021
Comments (40)

Cheri Ceridwen
Debra, what fun to find out you captured this on the Big Island. The Palouse in eastern Washington State has rolling canola fields and solitary trees just like this.

Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your fantastic photographic art has been chosen as a Camera Art Group feature! You are invited to archive your work in the feature archive discussion. There are many other discussions in the group where you can promote your art even further more.

Vladimir Frolov
Wonderful! Such an attractive look! Perfect painting for home, office or cafe! L. F.